Friday, October 23, 2020

Std.7 Practice Paper(Science-MCQ)

Kindly check below the link of Science Practice Test (MCQ)

Std.V Math Questions for Practice

Worksheet on Word Problems on Addition

1. In an examination, 75,236 students passed and 14,892 students failed. Find how many students appeared for the examination. 

2. There are 3,786 men, 3,672 women and 1,508 children in a village. Find the total population of the city.

3.There are 5,873 male and 6,389 female primary teachers in a city. Find the total number of teachers in the city.

4. In a school there are the following numbers of students: 127 in grade one, 120 in grade two, 110 in grade three, 100 in grade four and 93 in grade five. Find the total number of students in the school.

5. A man plucked 435 mangoes from one tree, 450 mangoes from the second tree and 295 mangoes from the third tree. Find the total number of mangoes plucked from the trees.

6. A school library has 3,730 books in Hindi, 2,531 books in English, and 5,368 books in other languages. How many books are there in library?

7. There are 37,536 bags of wheat, 35,380 bags of rice and 25,240 bags of gram in a store. Find the total number of bags in the store.

8. A school management spent Rs.26,756 on teachers pay, Rs.325,378 on building construction, Rs. 5,780 on games and Rs.8,235 on other work. Find the total amount spent on different items by the school management.

9. A man plucked 375 apples from one tree, 504 apples from the second tree and 229 apples from the third tree. Find the total number of apples plucked from the trees.

10. A toy factory manufactured 52,253 toys in January, 50,375 toys in February and 608,368 toys in March. How many toys were manufactured in the above mentioned months in total.

Thursday, October 15, 2020

Std.V Oral Exam Time Table

Oral Exam Topics:
Subject: Mathematics
Roman Numerals
Number Work
On Wednesday, October 21st,2020
Div: 5A-5D Time: 8.15 - 8.55
Div: 5C-5D Time: 8.55 - 9.30

No.of Questions: 10
        Total Marks: 10
     Type of Exam: MCQ

Please Note:
Your oral test will be taken during your regular online lecture through google form.

Oral Exam Topics:
Subject: Mathematics
Roman Numerals
Number Work
On Monday, October 19th,2020

Div: 5B-5D Time: 8.55 - 9.30

No.of Questions: 10
        Total Marks: 10
     Type of Exam: MCQ

Please Note:
Your oral test will be taken during your regular online lecture through google form.

Std.VII Oral Exam Time Table

Oral Exam Topics:
Subject: Science
(Numerical Problems)
On Monday, October 19th,2020

Div: 7C-7D 
Time: 10.35 - 11.05

No.of Questions: 05
        Total Marks: 10
     Type of Exam: MCQ

Please Note:
Your oral test will be taken during your regular online lecture through google form.

Oral Exam Topics:
Subject: Science
(Numerical Problems)
On Tuesday, October 20th,2020

Div: 7B-7D 
Time: 11.05 - 11.40

No.of Questions: 05
        Total Marks: 10
     Type of Exam: MCQ

Please Note:
Your oral test will be taken during your regular online lecture through google form.

Oral Exam Topics:
Subject: Science
(Numerical Problems)
On Wednesday, October 21st,2020

Div: 7A-7D 
Time: 10.35 - 11.05

No.of Questions: 05
        Total Marks: 10
     Type of Exam: MCQ

Please Note:
Your oral test will be taken during your regular online lecture through google form.

Monday, October 12, 2020

IMPORTANT NOTICE- SilverZone Olympiad Examination

Dear Parents,

In view of the genuine interest of the candidates/ aspirants SILVERZONE OLYMPIAD has decided to reopen the online registration, Form filling, Form submission link for SilverZone Olympiad Examination 2020-21 from 12thOctober to 15thOctober 2020,


Parents can always contact the following WhatsApp Number for quicker communication.
Parent helpline Call/WhatsApp Number: 8448992604

Interested Candidate here by informed to please take note of this. 
1. No further Extension will be given. 
2. Candidates are advised to read the Information Brochure carefully and 
follow the tips for Online Form Filling. 

Std.V 1st Semester details (math)

01st Semester Portion

Ch.1.Roman Numerals
Ch.2.Number Work
Ch.3.Addition and Subtraction
Ch.4.Multiplication and Division

Mode of Semester Exam:
Online       - 20 marks (MCQ)
Offline       - 20 marks (written)
Oral Exam  -10 marks
Total- 50 marks

 Assignments and Activities:
               Circle worksheet -10 marks
An interesting Dice Game -10 marks
                           Oral Exam- 10 marks

Circleworksheet: 10 marks
1. The following figure shows a circle with centre O and some line segments drawn in it. Classify the line segments as radius, chord and diameter:

(i) OA = ………………..

ii) OB = ………………..

iii) OC = ………………..

(iv) EF = ………………..

(v) MN = ………………..

(vi) PQ = ………………..

2. With the help of a compass, draw a circle of radius:

(i) 4.5 cm.

(ii) 5.2 cm

3. Draw a circle of radius 6 cm.

4. Draw a circle with centre C and radius 4.7 cm. Mark point P,Q,R such that P lies in the interior of the circle, Q lies on the circle and R lies in the exterior of the circle.

5. Draw a circle whose diameter is 10 cm. Find its radius.

2.An interesting Dice Game
Activity:02  (10 Marks)

An interesting dice game.
(TextBook Page No.7)

Make a table with the name of each player ie you and family members, as shown in the textbook.
Play the game with the rules given as Game1 or Game2 on page 7.
Write down who finally won the math game.
The one with the largest number is the winner.
( Play this math game with your parents or siblings.)

3.Oral Exam (10 marks)

Std.VII Science Portion and other details (1st Semester Examination)

Portion as follows:
Mode of Semester Exam:
Online    - 25 marks (MCQ)
Offline    - 25 marks (written)
Practical -10 marks
Total- 60 marks

 Assignments and Activities:
Disaster Management  -10 marks
      Numerical Problem -10 marks
           (Motion,force and work)

Disaster Management:  10 marks
A) With the help of internet,collect information about the places in India where a calamity(tsunami) has occurred.
B)Collect the information about how cyclonic storms are named.

Numerical Problems:(02 marks each)
1. A person travels a distance of 72 km in 4 hours.Calculate the average speed in m/s.

2.The velocity of a moving body increases 10 m/s to 20 m/s in 5 seconds.
Find its acceleration.

3. A train moving with uniform speed covers a distance of 120 meters in 2 seconds.
A) The speed of the train
B) The time it will take to cover 240 meters distance

4.Find the distance travelled by a body in 5 minutes if it travels with a uniform speed of 20 m/s.

5. The speed of a car is 72 km/hr.
Express it in m/s.

Std.VII Ch.9. Heat Q&A

Question 1:

Fill in the blanks with the proper word from the brackets.
(radiation, white, conduction, blue, convection, bad conductor, good conductor, black, reflection)

(a) Maximum heat is absorbed by a ................ coloured object.

(b) ...................... of heat does not require a medium.

(c) Conduction of heat takes place through a .......................... substance.

(d) The shining surface in a thermos flask decreases the outgoing heat by ......................... .

(e) Cooking utensils are made from metals due to their property of ................. .

(f) The earth receives heat from the sun by .................... .


(a) Maximum heat is absorbed by a black coloured object.

(b) Radiation of heat does not require a medium.

(c) Conduction of heat takes place through a good conductor substance.

(d) The shining surface in a thermos flask decreases the outgoing heat by reflection.

(e) Cooking utensils are made from metals due to their property of conduction.

(f) The earth receives heat from the sun by radiation.

Page No 63:

Question 2:

What will absorb heat?

Steel spoon, wooden board, glass vessel, iron griddle (tava) , glass, wooden spoon , plastic plate, soil, water, wax


Steel spoon, iron griddle, water, soil and wax will absorb heat.

Page No 63:

Question 3:

Write answers to the following question.

(a) How does a fever get lowered by putting a cold compress on the forehead of a patient ?
(b) Why are the houses in Rajasthan painted white ?
(c) What are the modes of heat transfer ?
(d) Explain which mode of heat transfer causes sea breezes and land breezes.
(e) Why is the outer coat of the penguins of Antarctica black ?
(f) Why are heaters fitted near the floor and air conditioners, near the ceiling of a room ?


(a) Cold compress is made up of material that absorbs heats. Thus, by putting it on the forehead of a patient suffering from high fever, the heat flow takes place from the head of the patient to the cold compress. Therefore, the cold compress absorbs heat from the patient's body and lowers the body temperature. 

(b) White colours are reflectors of heat. Thus, Rajasthan, a very hot city, has houses with their walls painted white so that most of heat from the Sun is reflected back to the atmosphere. This keeps the houses cool from inside.

(c) There are three modes of heat transfer:

  • Conduction: Conduction is a process in which heat is transferred from the hotter end of an object to its cooler end.
  • Convection: The process of transference of heat through a fluid (liquid or gas) is called convection.
  • Radiation: Radiation is a method of heat transfer which does not require a medium.
(d) Convection causes sea breeze and land breeze. Heat transfer through fluids takes place by the process of convection.
Sea breezeIt is the wind that blows from the sea or the oceans towards the land. It develops during day time when the land heats up quickly. Also, the water heats up slowly as compared to land due to which water in the sea and oceans is relatively cooler than land. Therefore, the air near the land becomes hot and rises up and the cold air from sea takes the place of hot air. The hot air than moves toward the sea to complete the cycle.

Land breeze: It is the wind that blows from the land towards the sea or the oceans. It develops during night time. Land cools down faster than water. Therefore, during night time, land is cooler than sea. Hence, cool air from the land blows towards the sea. This is called the land breeze.

(e) Black colour is good absorbers or trappers of heat. So, in cold regions like Antarctica, the black outer coating of Penguins helps them to absorb as much heat from the surrounding and keep their bodies warm.

(f) Room heaters are fitted near the floor because this allows the hot air near the heater to rise up and warm the entire room. 
The air conditioners are fitted near the ceiling, so that the cold air from the AC takes the place of hot air rising up from the bottom. In this way, the entire room gets cooled.

Page No 63:

Question 4:

Give scientific reasons.

(a) An ordinary glass bottle cracks when boiling water is poured into it, but a borosil glass bottle does not.
(b) The telephone wires which sag in summer become straight in winter.
(c) Dew drops form on the grass in winter.
(d) In winter, why does an iron pillar feel colder than a wooden pole ?


(a) Normal glass is an insulator which means it is a poor conductor of heat. When boiling water is poured into a glass tumbler, the surface of the glass which is in contact with the hot water heats up and expands as per its coefficient of thermal expansion. But the outer layer of the glass remains cold and does not expand (since glass is a poor conductor and does not transfer heat quickly). This difference in thermal expansion causes thermal stress which eventually leads to cracking.
Borosil glasses have very low coefficients of thermal expansion which makes them resistant to thermal shock, more than any other common glass. So, Borosil glass does not crack when hot liquid is poured in it, but normal glass cracks.

(b) In summers, the surrounding temperature is very high. Due to this high temperature, the metallic telephone wires are heated up and thus expands in length. Due to this, they sag down.
In winters, the surrounding temperature is very low. Due to this low temperature, the metallic telephone wires are cooled down and thus contracts in length. Due to this, they become straight.

(c) In winters, the temperature of the air near the grass decreases to dew point. Thus, the air becomes saturated with water vapour. As a result, water vapour condenses into tiny water droplets which appears on the surface of the grass.

(d) An iron pillar feels colder than a wooden pole in winter because the thermal conductivity of iron is very high as compared to wood. So, when you touch wooden pole, heat from your finger warms the wooden pole just at that place but isn't conducted away. But for iron pillar, the heat conducts away rapidly from your finger to the whole pillar and your finger then keeps trying to supply more heat until it is as cold as the iron. So, the iron pillar feels colder because it doesn't warm under your finger like the wooden pole.

Friday, October 9, 2020

Idea Competition- (IntraSchool) For Std.6 -10.


The IDEA Competition is intended to spark the entrepreneurial spirit and accelerate the development of creative innovation.

The objective of the competition is to target original ideas/innovations rooted in science and societal applications to foster a culture of creativity and innovative thinking among school children.

Few examples:

submit your original idea in the above format before 12th October 2020.

05 Best Ideas will be sent to the next level.
E mail id:

INSPIRE Awards Std.6th -10- Last Date of submission 15th October

Innovation in Science Pursuit for Inspired Research' (INSPIRE) scheme is one of the flagship programmes of Department of Science & Technology (DST), Government of India.

 The INSPIRE Awards - MANAK (Million Minds Augmenting National Aspirations and Knowledge), being executed by DST with National Innovation Foundation – India (NIF), an autonomous body of DST, aims to motivate students in the age group of 10-15 years and studying in classes 6 to 10. 

The objective of the scheme is to target one million original ideas/innovations rooted in science and societal applications to foster a culture of creativity and innovative thinking among school children. Under this scheme, schools can nominate 5 best original ideas/innovations of students through this website till 15 October 2020.

Std.V Problem Set No.27

Q.1. Give two examples of parallel lines that you can see around.

1.Railway Track

2.Opposite edges of ruler 

Q.2 Two examples of perpendicular lines
margin of a page

The leg of the table and its surface.


Monday, October 5, 2020

Std.V Problem set No.25 Measuring angles steps and problem set No.25

Measure the given angle

A tip of a pen shows centre of the protractor.

Measure the angle shown in picture.

Put the centre of the protractor on the vertex Q of an angle.

The angle is measured starting fromvthe zero on that side of the vertex on which the arm of the angle lies.

Here side QR is on the right of the vertex Q . 
Therefore,count thevdivisions starting from the zero on the right.

see which mark falls on arm QP.
Read the number on that mark.
This is the measure of the angle.

The measure of angle PQR is 80°

Problem Set No.25.


Std.V Problem Set No.24

problem set no.24

Std.VII - Ch.8 Static Electricity Q&A

Question 1:

Choose the correct option and fill in the blanks.
(always repulsion, always attraction, displacement of negative charge, displacement of positive charge, atom, molecule, steel, copper, plastic, inflated balloon, charged object, gold)

(a) There is ................ between like charges.
(b) ...................... is responsible for generation of electric charge in an object.
(c) A lightning conductor is made of a .................. strip.
(d) .................. does not get electrically charged easily by rubbing.
(e) There is ...................... when opposite electric charge come near each other.
(f) A ..................... can be detected with an electroscope.


(a) There is always repulsion between like charges.
(b) Displacement of negative charge is responsible for generation of electric charge in an object.
(c) A lightning conductor is made of a copper strip.
(d) Copper/gold does not get electrically charged easily by rubbing.
(e) There is always attraction when opposite electric charge come near each other.
(f) A charged object can be detected with an electroscope.

Page No 57:

Question 2:

Explain why it is not safe to go out with an umbrella when there is heavy rain, lightning or thunder.


Heavy rain and thundering is accompanied by lightning. Lightning is basically the discharge of huge amount of electric charges from clouds towards the ground. These charges may pass through the metallic rod of the umbrella to the person carrying it. Hence, the person might get severe electric shock and die. Thus, it is not advisable and safe to go out with an umbrella when there is heavy rain, lightning or thunder.

Page No 57:

Question 3:

Answer in your own words.

(a) How will you protect yourself from lightning?
(b) How are charges generated?
(c) In the lightning conductor, what provision is made for spreading the electricity into the ground?
(d) Why do farmers stick an iron staff into the ground while working in the field in rainy conditions?
(e) Why is lightning not seen everyday during the rainy season?


(a) ​Following are some safety measures to be followed to protect oneself from lightning:
If outdoor:
1. Avoid taking shelter under trees.
2. Avoid being near to any kind of metal objects which may include metal wires, fences, machinery and power appliances.
3. Take shelter inside a fully enclosed car with all the windows shut.
If indoor:
1. Turn off all the electrical appliances such as television and refrigerator.

(b) Charges are generated in an object when the object loses or gains some electrons or when there is displacement between the positive and negative charges of an object. Methods of generating charges are:

  • Rubbing: When two insulators are rubbed with each other, one of them loses electrons and the other gains electrons. The one which gains electrons gets negatively charged and the other one gets positively charged.
  • Conduction: When a charged body is brought in contact with an uncharged conductor, the conductor gets charged.
  • Induction: When a charged body is brought near to a neutral body say a conductor or an insulator, the electrons and protons in the neutral body gets separated. Thus, the body acquires temporary charge as long as the charged body is kept near it. 
(c) A pit is dug in the ground and is filled with coal and salt. A cast iron plate is placed upright in the pit and one end of the lightning conductor is connected to this plate. Also, a provision of pouring water into the pit is made. Thus, when the electric charges through the conductor is discharged into the pit, the water quickly spreads these charges into the ground and prevents damages.

(d) In rainy conditions, there is very high chance of lightning striking the Earth. So, the farmer by putting an iron staff into the ground while working in the field in rainy condition, makes sure that he and his crops remains safe in case lightning occurs. This is because the iron staff will be more prone to lightning than the crops and his body because of the iron staff being tall and metallic in nature. Thus, the electric charges from the clouds will flow to the ground through the staff without affecting the plants in case of lightning during rainy weather.

(e) For lightning to happen, there must be some minimum amount of accumulation to happen in the clouds. So, it might be possible that this limit is not achieved everyday during rainy season because of which lightning does not occur everyday. Hence, we do not see lightning everyday during the rainy season.

Page No 57:

Question 4:

What are the characteristics of a static electric charge?


The characteristics of a static electric charge are as follows:

  • Charges exist in two types i.e. positive and negative. Positive charge is generally carried by a proton and negative charge by an electron.
  • Like charges always attract each other and unlike charges always repel each other.

Page No 57:

Question 5:

What is the damage caused by lightning? How will you create awareness to prevent it?


 Damage caused by lightning are:

  • A fire can start if the lightning strike makes contact with flammable material. These can include gas pipes, wood, paper, etc.
  • If lightning follows electrical wiring, then the wires gets overheated which can cause a fire hazard.
  • Lightning can cause damage to walls, concrete, plaster and glass of a building. It can damage the electrical appliances connected to damaged sockets.
  • Lightning can damage tall trees and crops. It can even lead to forest fire.
  • Lightning, if strikes on living beings, can take their lives.
These damages can be prevented if preventive guidelines against lightning is taught to each and every individual. The preventive measures can be propagated to people using different mediums such as books, T.V., radio, etc. Awareness programmes should be conducted in schools and societies to educate people and students about the wrath of lightning and measures to fight it. Following are some safety measures which should be told and followed by individuals when lightning strikes:
If outdoor:
1. Avoid taking shelter under trees.
2. Avoid being near to any kind of metal objects which may include metal wires, fences, machinery and power appliances.
3. Take shelter inside a fully enclosed car with all the windows shut.
If indoor:
1. Turn off all the electrical appliances such as television and refrigerator.

Thank You:

Sunday, October 4, 2020

जुनी पेन्शन बाबत

1/3/2024 जूनी पेन्शन बाबत जूनी पेन्शन योजना लागू होण्यासाठी महाराष्ट्र राज्य शिक्षक परिषदेनै..2010 पासून 38आंदोलनै केली... नागपूर चा12 डिसें...