Give examples of 3 plants that have :
(a) spiny fruits
(b) spiny stem
(c) red flowers
(d) yellow flowers
(e) leaves which close at night
(f) single-seeded fruits
(g) many-seeded fruits
(a) spiny fruits- jackfruit, breadfruit and custard apple
(b) spiny stem- cactus, acacia and aloe vera
(c) red flowers- rose, hibiscus and carnations
(d) yellow flowers- marigold, sunflower and daffodil
(e) leaves which close at night- acacia, mimosa and albizia
(f) single-seeded fruits- mango, plum, cherries
(g) many-seeded fruits- watermelon, apple and kiwi
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Question 2:
Observe any one flower and its various parts and describe it in your own words.
They different parts of a flower are:
1. Androecium (male reproductive organ) - The androecium consists of whorls of stamen. The stamen consists of the filament (long and slender stalk) and anther (bilobed structure). A typical anther is bilobed, which contains the pollen grains.2. Gynoecium (female reproductive organ) − Gynoecium represents the female reproductive part made up of carpels. Carpel is made up of:
- Style − It connects stigma to the ovary.
- Stigma − It acts as a receptacle for the pollen grains.
- Ovary − It is the enlarged basal part on which style lies. Each ovary bears one or more ovules attached to cushion-like placenta. After fertilisation, ovules develop into seeds and ovary into fruit.
4.Corolla (accessory organ bearing petals) − Corolla refers to the brightly coloured whorl of a flower. Individual unit of corolla is petals.Petals protect the inner essential organs (i.e., stamens and carpels) and attract pollinators since they are brightly coloured.
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Question 3:
What are the similarities and differences between ?
(a) jowar and moong
(b) onion and coriander
(c) leaves of banana and mango
(d) coconut tree and jowar stalk plant
Jowar | Moong |
1. It is a type of monocot plant. | It is a type of dicot plant. |
2. It has fibrous root system. | It has tap root system. |
3. The leaves of jowar plant show parallel venation. | The leaves of moong plant show reticulate venation. |
Similarity: Both jowar and moong are annual plants.
Onion | Coriander |
1. It is a type of monocot plant. | It is a type of dicot plant. |
2. It is a type of vegetable. | It is a type of herb. |
3. The edible part is a bulb. | The edible part is leaf and stems. |
Similarity: Both onion and coriander are annual plants.
Leaves of Banana | Leaves of Mango |
1. The leaves of banana are very long and have bifurcations on their edges. | Leaves of mango are short in size. |
2. It has parallel venation. | It has reticulate venation. |
Similarity: Both banana and coconut are perrenial plants.
Coconut tree | Jowar stalk plant |
1. It can grow upto 15 - 23 metres. | It can grow upto 2 - 3 metres. |
2. Leaves of coconut trees are arranged spirally. | Leaves of jowar stalk plants are arranged in opposite manner. |
Similarity: Both have fibrous roots.
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Question 4:
Explain the following images in your own words.
Image A represents a seed and its cross section. The seed consists of seed coat, cotyledon and an embryo. A seed coat is the outer covering of a seed. It is hard in nature and thus provide protection to the inner delicate parts of a seed. This embryo is thick and swollen due to the presence of food reserves.
Image B represents a monocot and a dicot seed. A monocot seed is made up of a single cotyledon called scutellum. It has a relatively small embryo which contains endosperm.
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Question 5:
Describe the functions of various parts of a plant.
They different parts of a flower are:
Calyx (accessory organ bearing sepals)
Corolla (accessory organ bearing petals)
Calyx − Calyx refers to the sepals.They are green in colour. They protect the plant in bud stage and also attract the insects for pollination.
Corolla − Corolla refers to the brightly coloured whorl of a flower. Individual unit of corolla is petals.Petals protect the inner essential organs (i.e., stamens and carpels)andattract pollinators since they are brightly coloured.
Androecium (male reproductive organ) − The androecium consists of whorls of stamen. The stamen consists of the filament (long and slender stalk) and anther (bilobed structure). A typical anther is bilobed, which contains the pollen grains.
Gynoecium (female reproductive organ) − Gynoecium represents the female reproductive part made up of carpels. Carpel is made up of:
Style − It connects stigma to the ovary.
Stigma − It acts as a receptacle for the pollen grains.
Ovary − It is the enlarged basal part on which style lies. Each ovary bears one or more ovules attached to cushion-like placenta. After fertilisation, ovules develop into seeds and ovary into fruit.
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Question 6:
Certain properties are mentioned be-low. Find a leaf corresponding to each property and describe those plants.
leaves with smooth surface, leaves with rough surface, fleshy leaf, spines on leaf.
Fleshy leaves: Plants with fleshy leaves are called succulents and are usually found in areas like deserts. Their leaves are green and fleshy becuase they store water in them which can be used under adverse conditions. For example, opuntia.
Spines on leaf: Many plants have spines on their leaves. It is a way of protecting themselves from being eaten and destroyed by animals. For example, Acacia and aloe vera.
Leaf with rough surface: Asperifolia is a type of plant which has rough leaves. It belongs to the category of shrubs.
Leaf with smooth surface: Salix caroliniana or commonly known as Southern Willow is a plant which has smooth leaves. The simple smooth-edged narrow leaves are 2-4 m long, green above and whitish underneath.
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Question 7:
Find the plant parts.
r | b | u | d | x | s | r | f |
o | w | p | y | e | t | a | 1 |
o | l | 1 | d | n | e | d | o |
t | a | o | i | 1 | m | i | w |
c | n | e | t | a | 1 | c | e |
a | v | o | v | u | m | l | r |
p | e | t | a | 1 | s | e | o |
r | o | o | t | h | a | i | r |