Monday, August 8, 2022

Current Electricity

Question 1:

Write proper words from the following group of words in the blanks.
(magnetism, 4.5V, 3.0V, gravitational attraction, potential differences, potential, higher, lower, 0V)

A.Water in the waterfall flows from a higher level to the lower level because of ____________.

B. In an electric circuit, electron flow a from of point of ________ potential to the point of ____________ potential.

C. The differences between the electrostatic potential of the positive end the negative end of an electric cell is the __________ of the cell.

D. Three electric cells of potential difference 1.5 V each have been connected as a battery. The potential differences of the battery will be ________ V.

E. An electric current flowing in a wire creates __________ around the wire. 


A. Water in the waterfall flows from a higher level to the lower level because of potential differences.

B. In an electric circuit, electron flow a from of point of higher potential to the point of lower potential.

C. The differences between the electrostatic potential of the positive end the negative end of an electric cell is the potential of the cell.

D. Three electric cells of potential difference 1.5 V each have been connected as a battery. The potential differences of the battery will be 1.5 + 1.5 + 1.5 = 4.5 V.

E. An electric current flowing in a wire creates magnetic field around the wire. 

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Question 2:

A battery is to be formed by joining 3 dry cells with connecting wires. Show how will you connect the wires by drawing a diagram.



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Question 3:

In an electric circuit, a battery and a bulb have been connected and the battery consists of two cells of equal potential difference. If the bulb is not glowing, then which tests will you perform in order to find out the reason for the bulb not glowing?


The following test should be performed to find the reason why bulb is not glowing:

  • Check how the terminals of the batteries are connected to each other: Ensure that the positive terminal of one battery is connected to negative terminal of other battery. If the batteries are connected in this this way and even then the bulb does not glow, go for the next test given below.
  • Check for the broken wires in the circuit: Ensure that the wires used for connecting the various electrical components are nor broken in between i.e. ensure that the circuit is closed. Even after ensuring that the wires are not broken in between, the bulb does not glow, move to the next test.
  • Check how the connecting wires are connected to the bulb: Ensure that the bulb is connected to the batteries using the connecting wires as shown below. Even now, if the bulb does not glow, replace the bulb or the batteries with a new one.

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Question 4:

Electric cells having 2 V potential difference each have been connected in the form of a battery. What will be the total potential difference of the battery in both cases ?



(i) Total potential difference = 2 + 2 + 2 = 6 V

(ii) Total potential difference = 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 = 8 V

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Question 5:

Describe the construction, working and usefulness of a dry cell, with the help of a diagram. 


Construction of dry cell
The dry cell consists of following components:
Outer metal covering: The metal covering is made up of zinc metal and is whitish in appearance. It acts as a negative terminal of the cell.
Electrolyte: Inside the Zinc metal, there is the electrolyte filled between two layers. Electrolyte is a wet pulp of Zinc chloride (ZnCl2) and Ammonium chloride (NH4Cl). It is the charge carrier of electricity as it contains negatively charged and positively charged ions.
Metal rod: There is a graphite rod at the centre of the cell. It is surrounded by paste of Manganese dioxide (MnO2). It acts as the positive terminal of the cell.

Working of dry cell: Chemical reactions take place between the electrolyte, zinc container and graphide rod. Because of this, electric charge is produced on the two terminals of the cell and electric current flows in the circuit.

Usefulness of dry cell: They are handy and portable. The life of dry cell is longer than cells using liquid electrolyte. Dry cells can be use in torch, T.V. or A.C remote controls, toys, etc.

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Question 6:

Describe the construction and working of an electric bell with the help of a diagram.


Construction of an electric bell
Following are the components of electric bell:

  • Electromagnet: A copper wire is wound around an iron piece which acts a magnet when current flows through it.
  • Striker in touch with contact screw through an iron strip
  • A metal gong
  • A key or a switch

Working of an electric bell
When the switch is 'ON' and the screw is in contact with the iron strip, then electric current flows through the copper wire which gets magnetised because of electromagnetism. This magnetised copper wire (or the electromagnet) attracts the iron strip towards it, letting the striker hit the gong and thus sound is produced. As soon as the striker hits the gong, the screw loses its contact with the iron strip and therefore, current stops in the circuit. At this point, the electromagnet loses its magnetism and the iron strip moves back and comes in contact with the contact screw. The electric current is then restored in the circuit and again the striker hits the gong by the above process. This action repeats itself and the bell rings.

Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Ch.2 Parts of plants

Give examples of 3 plants that have :
(a) spiny fruits
(b) spiny stem
(c) red flowers
(d) yellow flowers
(e) leaves which close at night
(f) single-seeded fruits
(g) many-seeded fruits


(a) spiny fruits- jackfruit, breadfruit and custard apple
(b) spiny stem- cactus, acacia and aloe vera
(c) red flowers- rose, hibiscus and carnations
(d) yellow flowers- marigold, sunflower and daffodil
(e) leaves which close at night- acacia, mimosa and albizia
(f) single-seeded fruits- mango, plum, cherries
(g) many-seeded fruits- watermelon, apple and kiwi

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Question 2:

Observe any one flower and its various parts and describe it in your own words.


They different parts of a flower are:

1. Androecium (male reproductive organ) - The androecium consists of whorls of stamen. The stamen consists of the filament (long and slender stalk) and anther (bilobed structure). A typical anther is bilobed, which contains the pollen grains.

2. Gynoecium (female reproductive organ) − Gynoecium represents the female reproductive part made up of carpels. Carpel is made up of:
  • Style − It connects stigma to the ovary.
  • Stigma − It acts as a receptacle for the pollen grains.
  • Ovary − It is the enlarged basal part on which style lies. Each ovary bears one or more ovules attached to cushion-like placenta. After fertilisation, ovules develop into seeds and ovary into fruit.
3. Calyx (accessory organ bearing sepals) − Calyx refers to the sepals.They are green in colour. They protect the plant in bud stage and also attract the insects for pollination.

4.Corolla (accessory organ bearing petals) − Corolla refers to the brightly coloured whorl of a flower. Individual unit of corolla is petals.Petals protect the inner essential organs (i.e., stamens and carpels) and attract pollinators since they are brightly coloured.​

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Question 3:

What are the similarities and differences between ?
(a) jowar and moong
(b) onion and coriander
(c) leaves of banana and mango
(d) coconut tree and jowar stalk plant



1. It is a type of monocot plant.It is a type of dicot plant.
2. It has fibrous root system.It has tap root system.
3. The leaves of jowar plant show parallel venation.The leaves of moong plant show reticulate venation.
Similarity: Both jowar and moong are annual plants.

1. It is a type of monocot plant.It is a type of dicot plant.
2. It is a type of vegetable.It is a type of herb.
3. The edible part is a bulb.The edible part is leaf and stems.

Similarity: Both onion and coriander are annual plants.

Leaves of BananaLeaves of Mango
1. The leaves of banana are very long and have bifurcations on their edges.Leaves of mango are short in size.
2. It has parallel venation.It has reticulate venation.

Similarity: Both banana and coconut are perrenial plants.

Coconut treeJowar stalk plant
1. It can grow upto 15 - 23 metres.It can grow upto 2 - 3 metres.
2. Leaves of coconut trees are arranged spirally.Leaves of jowar stalk plants are arranged in opposite manner.

Similarity: Both have fibrous roots.

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Question 4:

Explain the following images in your own words.


Image A represents a seed and its cross section. The seed consists of seed coat, cotyledon and an embryo. A seed coat is the outer covering of a seed. It is hard in nature and thus provide protection to the inner delicate parts of a seed. This embryo is thick and swollen due to the presence of food reserves.

Image B represents a monocot and a dicot seed. A monocot seed is made up of a single cotyledon called scutellum. It has a relatively small embryo which contains endosperm.

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Question 5:

Describe the functions of various parts of a plant.


They different parts of a flower are:

  • Androecium

  • Gynoecium

  • Calyx (accessory organ bearing sepals)

  • Corolla (accessory organ bearing petals)

Calyx − Calyx refers to the sepals.They are green in colour. They protect the plant in bud stage and also attract the insects for pollination.

Corolla − Corolla refers to the brightly coloured whorl of a flower. Individual unit of corolla is petals.Petals protect the inner essential organs (i.e., stamens and carpels)andattract pollinators since they are brightly coloured.

Androecium (male reproductive organ) − The androecium consists of whorls of stamen. The stamen consists of the filament (long and slender stalk) and anther (bilobed structure). A typical anther is bilobed, which contains the pollen grains.

Gynoecium (female reproductive organ) − Gynoecium represents the female reproductive part made up of carpels. Carpel is made up of:

  • Style − It connects stigma to the ovary.

  • Stigma − It acts as a receptacle for the pollen grains.

  • Ovary − It is the enlarged basal part on which style lies. Each ovary bears one or more ovules attached to cushion-like placenta. After fertilisation, ovules develop into seeds and ovary into fruit.

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Question 6:

Certain properties are mentioned be-low. Find a leaf corresponding to each property and describe those plants.
leaves with smooth surface, leaves with rough surface, fleshy leaf, spines on leaf.


Fleshy leaves: Plants with fleshy leaves are called succulents and are usually found in areas like deserts. Their leaves are green and fleshy becuase they store water in them which can be used under adverse conditions. For example, opuntia.

Spines on leaf: Many plants have spines on their leaves. It is a way of protecting themselves from being eaten and destroyed by animals. For example, Acacia and aloe vera.

Leaf with rough surface: Asperifolia is a type of plant which has rough leaves. It belongs to the category of shrubs.

Leaf with smooth surface: Salix caroliniana or commonly known as Southern Willow is a plant which has smooth leaves. The simple smooth-edged narrow leaves are 2-4 m long, green above and whitish underneath.

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Question 7:

Find the plant parts.



Friday, July 22, 2022

Std.8 Ch.1 Living world and Microbes

Question 1:

Use Whittakar method to classify bacteria, protozoa, fungi, algae, prokaryotic and eukaryaotic microbes.


The characteristic features of each of the five kingdoms classified by Whittaker are:

Kingdom Monera

  • Absence of a well-defined nucleus or membrane-bound organelles

  • Absence of multicellular body designs; all are unicellular

  • Presence or absence of a cell wall

  • Autotrophic or heterotrophic mode of nutrition

Kingdom Protista

  • They are unicellular, eukaryotic organisms.

  • They can be autotrophic or heterotrophic.

  • Some members have cilia or flagella, which helps in locomotion.

Kingdom Fungi

  • They may be unicellular or multicellular, eukaryotic organisms.

  • Their body consists of mycelium, which is made up of multicellular filamentous hyphae.

  • Their cell walls are made up of tough, complex sugar called chitin.

  • They are saprophytes, which feed on dead organic material.

Kingdom Plantae

  • They are multicellular, eukaryotic organisms.

  • Cell wall is made up of cellulose and not chitin unlike that of fungi.

  • Most plant cells contain chlorophyll pigments. Hence, they are autotrophic.

  • They are non-motile.

Kingdom Animalia

  • They are multicellular eukaryotes.

  • Cell wall is absent in them.

  • Chloroplast is absent in animal cells. Hence, they have a heterotrophic mode of nutrition.

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Question 2:

Complete the five kingdom method of classification using living organism prokaryotes, eukaryotes, multicellular,  unicellular, protista, animals, plants, fungi. 


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Question 3:

Find out my partner 

 Fungi Chlorella
 Protozoa Bacteriophage
 Virus   Candida
 Algae Amoeba
 Bacteria Prokaryotic



 Fungi Candida
 Protozoa Amoeba
 Virus   Bacteriophage
 Bacteria Prokaryotic

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Question 4:

State whether the following statements are true or false. Explain your statement.
A. Lactobacilli are harmful bacteria.
B. Cell wall of fungi is made up of chitin.
C. Organ of locomotion in amoeba is pseudopodia.
E. Tomato wilt is viral disease.


A. Lactobacilli are harmful bacteria.- False
Lactobacilli are not harmful bacteria, infact they are found in gastrointestinal tracts of animals and humans. They are also an important part of dairy products such as milk, yogurt etc.

B. Cell wall of fungi is made up of chitin.- True
C. Organ of locomotion in amoeba is pseudopodia.- True
E. Tomato wilt is viral disease.- True

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Question 5:

Give answers.
A. State the merits of whitetaker's method of classification. 
B. Write the characteristics of viruses.
C. Explain the nutrition in fungi.
D. Which living organisms are included in the kingdom monera ?


 a. The merits of Whitakker's method of classification are:
  • Unicellular and multicellular organisms are kept under separate categories.
  • Autotrophs and heterotrophs are placed in separate groups.
  • A separate kingdom was assigned to fungi because of its mode of nutrition.
  • It is more natural than two kingdom classification.
  • Prokaryotes are placed under a separate category of monera.

b. The various characteristics of viruses are:

  • They are smaller and simpler than bacteria.
  • They are ultra microscopic and visible only under electron microscope.
  • They are considered to be on the boundary line of living and non-living things. 
  • They are obligate parasites and cannot live on their own.
  • They cannot multiply on their own. They require living machinery to multiply.
  • Viruses consist of genetic materials (DNA or RNA) surrounded by a protective coat of protein (capsid). 
  • Viruses are responsible for causing many dreadful diseases in plants, animals, and humans.​

c. The mode of nutrition in fungi is saprotropic and they are called saprophytes. It is a mode of nutrition in which an organism obtains its nutrients from the decaying organic matter.

d. Organisms with following characteristics are inlcuded under the kingdom monera:
  • Absence of nucleus and membrane-bound organelles
  • Presence or absence of cell wall
  • Can be either autotrophic or heterotrophic
  • Are all unicellular and include mainly bacteria and blue green algae

Examples include bacteria and blue green algae.

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Question 6:

Who am I ?
A. I don't have true nucleus, cell organelles or plasma membrance.
B. I have nucleus and membrane bound cell orgenelles.
C. I live on decaying organic matter.
D. I reproduce mainly by cell division.
E. I Can produce my replica.
F. I am green, but don't have organs.


A. I don't have true nucleus, cell organelles or plasma membrance. - Monera
B. I have nucleus and membrane bound cell orgenelles. - Protozoa
C. I live on decaying organic matter. - Fungi
D. I reproduce mainly by cell division.- Bacteria
E. I Can produce my replica. - Viruses
F. I am green, but don't have organs. - Algae

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Question 7:

Draw neat and labelled diagrams.
A. Different types of bacteria.
B. Paramoecium
C. Bacteriophage.


a.  Structure of bacteria

b. Structure of Paramoecium

c. Structure of bacteriophage


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Question 8:

Arrange the follwing in ascending order of size Bacteria, Fungi, Viruses, Algade.


Viruses →Bacteria →Fungi→Algae

Thursday, July 7, 2022

Ch.1. The living world: Adaptations and Classification

Question 1:

Find my match!

'A' Group'B' Group
(1)Lotus(a)Flower and leaves attract insects
(2)Aloe(b)Haustorial roots for absorption of food
(3)Cuscuta(c)Adapted to live in deserts
(4)Venus flytrap(d)Adapted to live in water


'A' Group'B' Group
(1)Lotus(d)Adapted to live in water
(2)Aloe(c)Adapted to live in deserts
(3)Cuscuta(b)Haustorial roots for absorption of food
(4)Venus flytrap(a)Flower and leaves attract insects

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Question 2:

Read the paragraph and answer the following questions.
I am a penguin. I live in polar region covered by snow. My abdomen is white. My skin is thick with a layer of fat underneath. My body is spindle-shaped. My wings are small. My toes are webbed. We live in flocks.
(a) Why is my skin white and thick and why is there a thick layer of fat underneath?
(b) Why do we live in flocks sticking close to each other?
(c) Which geographical region do I inhabit? Why?
(d) Which adaptations should you have to enable you to live permanently in the polar region? Why?


a. Having black and white skin is a type of adaptation known as camouflaging. It is called counter-shading and makes it harder for both the predators and the prey to see penguins from all sorts of angles. The white chest of penguin protects them in the water by camouflaging them from being seen from below against the lighter sky coming through the waters surface. Their black backs help them blend in with the darker, deeper ocean waters below them, thus protecting them from their predators. They have thick layer of fat because it keeps them warm under such extreme cold conditions.

b. We know that penguins live in the coldest regions of earth and in order to find warmth and solace they remain in flocks with each other. In order to escape the extreme cold conditions, they nestle together to keep each other warm. 

c. Penguins are found in regions of Antarctica, South America, Africa and Australia. Many species can also be found in New Zealand and the sub-Antarctic islands. 

d. The following adaptations are required to survive in polar regions:

  • black and white skin with a thick layer of fat beneath it
  • skin should be covered with feathers
  • small body with small wings
  • presence of strong muscles in chest and wings

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Question 3:

Who is lying?
(a) Cockroach – I have five legs.
(b) Hen – My toes are webbed.
(c) Cactus – My fleshy, green part is a leaf.


The cockroach is lying beacuse it has six legs and not five.
The cactus is also lying because its fleshy, green part is a stem and not a leaf.

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Question 4:

Read each of the following statements. Write a paragraph about adaptation with reference to each statement.
(a) There is extreme heat in deserts.
(b) Grasslands are lush green.
(c) Insects are found in large numbers.
(d) We hide.
(e) We have long ears.


a. There is extreme heat in deserts and dry conditions prevail in this region. The animals and plants which are found in this region have special modifications which help them to survive in such environment. For example, cactus and acacia plants withstand hot and dry environment of the desert with the help of various modifications. They have thick cuticle on their leaf surface and their stomata are arranged in deep pits to minimise water loss by transpiration. They have special photosynthetic pathway, CAM in which stomata remains closed during day time. Their leaves are reduced to spines to minimise water loss, and photosynthetic functions are performed by flattened stems.
Similarly desert animals have adaptive features like- thick skin to prevent the loss of water, long legs with flat and cushioned soles, long and thick eyelashes and nostrils which are protected by folds of skin.

b. Grasslands are lush green due to the presence of diverse types of bushes and grasses. Grasses are tall so that animals like tiger, lion, elephant can remain hidden in them. Animals which are found in grasslands have adaptations like strong legs to run fast and capture their prey, claws, sharp and pointed canine. The herbivores which are found in this region have eyes below the forehead which gives them wide angle vision which protects them from predators.

c. Insects are found in large numbers because they have developed mechanisms which help them to survive even in harshest of environment. They are found in extreme conditions of deserts and Antartic region due to these modifications. For example grasshopper have long, strong hind legs that help them jump, house flies have sponging mouthparts to slurp up food, stinky bugs and walking sticks have the ability to camouflage.

​d. There are certain species which are able to hide themselves by blending their colour with that of the surrounding. This adaptive mechanism is termed as camouflage and is a method to protect oneself from the predators and prey. For example, grasshopper, lizards, butterflies, chameleon, frogs etc.

e. Animals with long ears are found in grasslands. It is an adaptive mechanism which enables them to receive sounds from long distances and from different directions. Another important function of long ears is that they act as a cooling system. 

The large ears have thin skin and contain an extensive network of blood vessels that provide a large surface area for heat exchange. These vessels swell when the animal is hot to allow the blood to cool and contract when temperatures drop to conserve heat.

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Question 5:

Answer the following.
(a) Why is the camel called the 'Ship of the desert'?
(b) How can the plants like cactus and acacia live in deserts with scarce water?
(c) What is the inter-relationship between adaptations of organisms and their surroundings?
(d) How are organisms classified?


a. Camel is called the "Ship of Desert" because it is the only means of transport found in deserts. The body of a camel has undergone various modifications that help it to survive in the hot and dry conditions of the deserts.

  • Camels have very long legs that help them to walk in the sand and prevent the heat of the sand from reaching their bodies. 
  • They have a prominent back or hump. It stores food which helps it to survive without food in the deserts for several days.
  • Another important adaptation that helps the camel to survive in the desert is its ability to conserve water. They do not sweat and excrete only small amounts of water through urine. The camel dung is dry and devoid of water.
  • All this helps the camel to conserve water and enables them to live without water for several days.

b. Cactus and acacia plants withstand hot and dry environment of the desert with the help of various modifications. They have thick cuticle on their leaf surface and their stomata are arranged in deep pits to minimise water loss by transpiration. They have special photosynthetic pathway, CAM in which stomata remains closed during day time. Their leaves are reduced to spines to minimise water loss and photosynthetic functions are performed by flattened stems.

c. Adaptation is defined as the modification or change in the organism's body or behaviour that helps it to survive in a particular environment. The environment in which an animal survives consists of many different things and it must learn to adapt to each of these factors in order to survive. These factors can be in the form of climate, the kinds of food plants that grow in it, other animals that may be predators or competitors etc. This fact is evident from the following examples:
  • Cactus has thick cuticle on their leaf surface and their stomata are arranged in deep pits to minimise water loss by transpiration. They have special photosynthetic pathway, CAM in which stomata remains closed during day time. Their leaves are reduced to spines to minimise water loss, and photosynthetic functions are performed by flattened stems.
  • Camels have very long legs that help it to walk in the sand and prevent the heat of the sand from reaching their bodies. The camel has a prominent back or hump. It stores food which helps it to survive without food in the deserts for several days.

d. The hierarchy of classification was developed by Carolus Linnaeus. It refers to the organisation or classification of organisms in the order of rank or importance. According to this system, kingdom is the highest rank. It is divided into phyla or divisions, which are further subdivided into classes. Further divisions include order, family, genus and species, in that order. Thus, species is the basic unit of classification.

Wednesday, July 6, 2022

Std.VI Ch.1.Natural Resources

Question 1:

Fill in the blanks.
(a) The layer of ozone gas absorbs ………… rays that come from the sun to the earth.
(b) Of the total water available on the earth, fresh water forms ...... percent.
(c) Both ...…. and ……... constituents are present in the soil.


(a) The layer of ozone gas absorbs UV rays that come from the sun to the earth.
(b) Of the total water available on the earth, fresh water forms 0.3 percent.
(c) Both biotic and abiotic constituents are present in the soil.

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Question 2:

Why is it said that – ?
(a) The ozone layer is a protective shell of the earth.
(b) Water is life.
(c) Seawater is useful even though it is not potable.


a. The ozone layer acts as a protective layer for life on the earth because it absorbs harmful ultraviolet radiations of the sun. These radiations, if reach the Earth’s surface, can cause skin cancer.

b. Water is one of the most precious resource which we have on earth. All the biochemical processes which occur in plants and animals, our surroundings etc. require water to function. It is required for the existence of life on earth as it is an essential component of all the biological processes. We cannot imagine our lives without the presence of water. 

c. Although sea water is not potable, it has various other kinds of uses which prove its importance:
  • Water from oceans can be used for making hydroelectricity, a form of renewable source of energy.
  • It can be used as a cheap transport method.
  • They can be used for the activities like scuba diving, water sports etc. which is a means of boosting the tourism and economic growth of a country.
  • Nuclear power plants require coolants like water to bring down the temperature of the reactors. For this purpose several gallons of water is required and this demand is fulfilled by the water from oceans.
  • They support a variety of flora and fauna which have both ecological and economical value.

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Question 3:

What will happen if –
(a) Microbes in the soil get destroyed.
(b) The number of vehicles and factories in your surroundings increases.
(c) The total supply of potable water is finished.


a. Soil contains various kinds of microbes like bacteria, fungi, algae, protozoa etc. All of these microorganisms play an important roles like:

  • Certain bacteria and blue-green algae have the ability to fix atmospheric nitrogen. This, in turn, enriches the fertility of soil. Such microorganisms are known as biological nitrogen-fixers. Example − Rhizobium is a symbiotic bacterium which lives in the root nodules of leguminous plants. Rhizobium fixes atmospheric nitrogen into nitrogenous compounds.
  • The bacteria and fungi present in soil decompose dead organic wastes of plants and animals, and convert them into manure. The manure contributes to the humus content of the soil, thereby helping in increasing its fertility.
  • Not only these, microorganisms which are found in soil are also a part of many biogeochemical cycles which would not take place in their absence.

The above points explain the fact that how important microbes are and if they are destroyed its effect can be irreversible.

b. Vehicles and factories are the major sources of air pollution. If the number of vehicles and factories increase in our surroundings, it is obvious that it would result in increased levels of air pollution. Not only air pollution but they also result in noise pollution. In case, the no. of industries increase in our surrounding it means, more trees would have to be cut down to make way for them and thus resulting in damage to the environment.

c. If the total supply of potable water is finished then the life on earth will end. Water is required for the existence of living beings and in its absence, it owuld hamper their developemnt process and their survival.

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Question 4:

Match the following.

Group ‘A’Group ‘B’
(1)Carbon dioxide(a)Generation of soil
(3)Water vapour(c)Plants and food production


Group ‘A’Group ‘B’
(1)Carbon dioxide(c)Plants and food production
(3)Water vapour(b)Rain
(4)Microbes(a)Generation of soil

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Question 5:

Name the following.
(a) Constituents of the biosphere
(b) Biotic constituents of soil
(c) Fossil fuel
(d) Inert gases in air
(e) Gases that are harmful to the ozone layer


(a) Constituents of the biosphere- hydrosphere and atmosphere
(b) Biotic constituents of soil- microorganisms and insects
(c) Fossil fuel- coal and petroleum
(d) Inert gases in air- oxygen and nitrogen
(e) Gases that are harmful to the ozone layer- carbon tetrachloride

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Question 6:

True or false?
(a) Land and soil are the same thing.
(b) The water in a lake is called ground water.
(c) It takes about 1000 years to form a 25 cm thick layer of soil.
(d) Radon is used in decorative lights.


(a) Land and soil are the same thing.- False
(b) The water in a lake is called ground water.- Flase
(c) It takes about 1000 years to form a 25 cm thick layer of soil.-False
(d) Radon is used in decorative lights.- False

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Question 7:

Answer in your own words.
(a) Explain with the help of a diagram how soil is formed.
(b) Why is there a shortage of water even though it occupies about 71% of the earth’s surface?
(c) What are the various constituents of air? Write their uses.
(d) Why are air, water and land considered to be valuable natural resources?


a. Soil is formed by the process of weathering during which rocks break down to form soil particles. This breaking down of rock occurs over a period of millions of years. Weathering can be physical, chemical, and biological. The bedrock breaks down into pieces due to the effects of heat, cold, water, wind and rain. Microbes, insects and rodents also help iin this process. The roots of trees also help in the process of weathering.

b. Although water occupies about 71% of the earth's surface, all of it is not potable water. Most of the water is available in the form of seas and oceans which is salty in nature. This saline water has its limitations and cannot be used for many purposes. Around 2.7% of water exists in frozen state or as groundwater which is unaccessible. Only 0.3% of water is available as potable water which is fit for human consumption.


Constituents of air
1. Nitrogen
Required in building proteins.
Useful in production of ammonia.
Used in airtight packaging of food products.
2. Oxygen
Necessary for respiration and combustion.
3. Carbon dioxide
Used by plants to make their foods.
Used in fire extinguishers.
4. Argon
Used in electric bulbs.
5. Heluim
Used for obtaining low temperatures.
Used for generating lifts in airships.
6. Neon
Used in decorative lights and street lighting.
7. Krypton
Used in fluorescent tubes.
8. Xenon
Used in flash photography.

d. The following points elucidate the fact that air, land and water are valuable natural resources:

Importance of air:
  • The importance of air can be understood by the fact that earth supports life becuase of the present of this air in our surrounding.
  • It is required for various biological functions and biogeochemical cycles.

Importance of land:
  • All terrestrial organisms live on land.
  • We use it for the purpose of land farming, building houses, roads etc.
  • The plants and animals which we use also grow on the land.
  • The minerals which we obtain from deep inside the earth are also important resources. For example, petrol, coal etc.

Importance of water:
  • Water plays an important role in various vital processes that are carried out by our body. All cellular processes take place in water medium.
  • The availability of water plays an important role in deciding the number of individuals of each species that will be able to survive in a particular area, and also the sustainability of life in the region. 
  • Fresh water is utilized by humans for consumption. 
  • Water is central to the lives of aquatic animals which live in water.

जुनी पेन्शन बाबत

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