Saturday, December 10, 2022

Cell structure and Micro-organisms STD. 7

Question 1:

Answer the following questions.
(a) What is a 'cell' ?
(b) Name the different organelles in a cell ?
(c) What are micro-organisms ?
(d) which are the different types of micro-organisms ?


a. Cell is the smallest unit of life. They are the structural, functional and biological uits of life. The discovery of cells was first made by Robert Hooke. While examining a section of a cork under the microscope, he observed small compartment-like structures and named them cells. However, Hooke observed dead cells under the microscope as cork is made up of dead cells. Cells exhibit different types of properties like:

  • It is the smallest living unit of life.
  • It is so small that it is not visible to the naked eye.

  • The shape of the cell varies in different organisms and within an organism.

  • Size of cells also differs.

  • All living cells exhibit certain basic characteristics like respiration, growth, metabolism, etc.

  • Cells originate from a pre-existing cell. A mother cell divides to produce daughter cells. Hence, cells exhibit cell division.

b. The cells may conatin the following cell organelles depending upon wether it is a plant or animal cell:

Cell membrane, cell wall, vacuole, plastids, endoplasmic reticulum, chloroplast, golgi apparatus, ribosomes, mitochondria, nucleus, lysosomes, centrosome and inclusion bodies.

c. Living organisms which are not visible to the naked eye are known as micro-organisms. They are living organisms that can be seen only with a microscope or a magnifying glass. Microorganisms were observed for the first time by Anton von Leeuwenhoek in 1674, using a microscope of his own.

d. Microorganisms can be divided into 5 major groups like:

Bacteria- Bacteria are the most primitive and diverse unicellular organisms found in living world. They are prokaryotic in nature as their genetic material, i.e. DNA, is not enclosed within a nuclear membrane. Because of their unique biochemical pathways and properties, they are of high economic importance to the human beings.

Fungi- Fungi is a group of eukaryotic, unicellular as well as multicellular, non-photosynthetic organisms that includes mushrooms, moulds and yeasts. These organisms have a rigid cell wall made up of chitin and are found in diverse shapes and sizes.

Algae- Algae are a diverse group of aquatic organisms that have the ability to conduct photosynthesis.

Protozoa- Protozoa are a group of unicellular micoorganism which are non photosynthetic in nature. Many protozoa cause disease in animals and humans.

​Viruses- Viruses are ultra microscopic and non cellular organisms. They have simple structure having genetic material coated by protein coat. They are obligate parasites and highly pathogenic.

Page No 80:

Question 2:

Fill in the blanks with the proper word.
(a) The organelle called the ........... is present in plant cells only.
(b) Garbage is converted into .......... by micro-organisms. 
(c) In the cell, photosynthesis is carried out with the help of ............ .
(d) An electron microscope is necessary for the study of ............ .


(a) The organelle called the chloroplast is present in plant cells only.
(b) Garbage is converted into compost by micro-organisms. 
(c) In the cell, photosynthesis is carried out with the help of chloroplast.
(d) An electron microscope is necessary for the study of cells .

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Question 3:

What is difference between us ?
(a) Plant cell and animal cell.
(b) Prokaryotic cell and eukaryotic cell.




Animal cell


Plant cell


Animal cells are smaller in size.


Plant cells are comparatively larger.


They lack a cell wall.


Cell wall is the outermost structure in a plant cell.


They lack plastids except Euglena.


Plastids are present in all plant cells.


Many vacuoles are present and they are smaller in size.


They have a single large central vacuole.


They have centrioles.


They lack centrioles.


Size of the cellCells are small in size.
Cells vary in size and are generally larger than those in prokaryotes.
NucleusNo nucleus with a nuclear membrane is present.
There is a well-defined nucleus with a nuclear membrane.
Membrane-enclosed organellesOrganelles having a membrane around them (e.g., mitochondria, plastids) are absent.
Membrane-enclosed organelles are present.
Cell wallCell wall is usually present. It is composed of peptidoglycan.
Cell wall is usually present in plant cells. It is composed of cellulose.
Genetic material
The genetic material is present as nucleoid, i.e., a properly defined nucleus is absent.
The genetic material is present inside the well-defined nucleus.

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Question 4:

Sketch and describe in your own words, the plant cell and animal cell.



Plant cell

  • Cell membrane: A cell is composed of cell membrane, cytoplasm and nucleus. The cytoplasm and nucleus enclosed in the cell membrane together constitute the plasma membrane. It checks the transport of substances in the cell.

  • Cell wall: In plants, an extra protective covering known as cellulose is present. It is called cell wall and protects the plant cell from environment variations.

  • Cytoplasm: It is a jelly-like substance present between the cell membrane and nucleus. It contains various cell organelles such as mitochondria and Golgi body.

  • Nucleus: It is a dense spherical body located at the centre of the cell. It is surrounded by a porous nuclear membrane. It contains a spherical body called nucleolus and thread-like structures called chromosomes. Chromosomes are the structures that carry genes and play an important role in inheritance. The entire living substance in a cell is known as protoplast.

  • Vacuoles: Vacuoles are fluid-filled membrane-bound structures in the cell. In plant cells, a single large vacuole is present. In animal cells, numerous small vacuoles are present.

  • Plastids: They are present only in plant cells. Chloroplast is a plastid containing the green pigment called chlorophyll, which is required for photosynthesis.

Mitochondria: They are involved in cellular respiration, and hence, are called ‘power houses of the cell’.

Animal cell


All the cell organelles in plant and animal cells are same except that animal cells have plasma membrane in place of cell wall and it does not contain chloroplasts.

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Question 5:

Explain the uses and the harmful effects of micro-organisms.


Microorganisms have found widescale application in various industries. Some of their applications are:

Use of Microorganisms in Food Industry

(i) Lactobacillus bacterium promotes the conversion of milk into curd.

(ii) Yeast is used in preparation of breads, pastries, and cakes.

Use of Microorganisms in Vaccine Production

(i) Protection of the body from the attack of various disease-causing microorganisms through vaccines is known as vaccination.

(ii) Vaccine includes dead or weakened microbes that trigger the production of antibodies in the body.

Use of Microorganisms in Increasing Soil Fertility

(i) Blue green algae and Rhizobium are called biological nitrogen fixers.

(ii) They fix atmospheric free nitrogen to enhance soil fertility.

These are just few examples which highlight the commercial importance of these microorganisms. However, they are not always beneficial can lead to various kinds of damage. This damage can be in terms of health of humans and animals, crop production etc. There are various kinds of microorganisms which are known to cause disease in humans and animals. 

Human disease




Chicken pox










Similarly there are certain species of microorganisms which cause disease in plants and affect the crop productivity. 

Plant disease


Citrus canker


Rust of wheat


Yellow vein mosaic of bhindi (okra)



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Question 6:

Give reasons.
(a) Diseases spread on a large scale during periods of heavy rainfall and floods.
(b) There is a possibility of food poisoning if we eat stale food.
(c) Soil is turned over during tilling.
(d) Fungus grows quickly in moist or humid conditions.
(e) A refrigerator is used in almost every home.
(f) Bread 'rises' during baking.
(g) Fodder is soaked in water before offering to cattle.


a. Diseases spread on a large scale during periods of heavy rainfall and floods because it provides the optimum conditions for the growth of vectors which transmit diseases. After heavy rainfall and floods, water gets accumulated at places and acts as breeding grounds for mosquitoes and other vectors. These vectors lead to transmission of the microorganisms to their host and result in the development of disease.
For example, malaria is caused by a virus which is transmitted by a mosquito.

b. There is a possibility of food poisoning if we eat stale food because there are chances that it can be infested by microorganisms. Bacteria and fungi can infect the foods which are stored for longer durations of time. For example, the greenish powdery substance which is seen on stale breads is an example of fungus infection.

c. Tilling is a mechanical procedure of agitating soil where the top layer is mixed with the lower layers of soil. This promotes the mixing of organic matter throughout the soil and also promotes the growth of microorganism. These microorganisms help in the conversion of organic matter.

d. Fungus grows quickly in moist or humid conditions because these are the favourable conditions for its growth. Fungus is not seen growing in areas which are well exposed to sunlight.

e. Refrigerator is used in almost every home because it prevents the spoilage of food. Refrigerator provides an optimum environment for storage of vegetable, fruits, cooked and uncooked food. If an optimum temperature is not provided, it can lead to the growth of bacteria and fungi thus leading to spoilage of food.

f. Bread rises during baking because of addition of yeast to its dough. Yeast cells respire anaerobically and liberates CO2 in the process. When yeast cells are added to the bread dough, they utilise the nutrients (carbohydrates) found in the dough and respire anaerobically. Also, they multiply at a very fast rate under such favourable conditions. As a result of the growing bacterial population, large amount of CO2 is released that makes the dough very soft and fluffy, and thus improves the quality of the bread. 

g. Fodder is soaked in water before offering it to cattles because it may contain seeds which have been left behind after harvesting. Soaking this fodder helps in the sprouting of these seeds/grains and thus increases the nutritional value of the fodder. 

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Question 7:

When will you use a simple microscope and when, a compound microscope? Explain in detail how you will use them.


The simple microscope is generally considered to be the first microscope which was created by Antony van Leeuwenhoek in the 17th century. It was essentially a type of which was used by Leeuwenhoek to gain information about biological specimens, including the difference in shapes between red blood cells. Today, simple microscopes are not used often because the introduction of compound microscopes which have better resolution and magnifying power.

Compound microscope offers better magnification than a simple microscope. These devices provide a magnification of 1,000 times. It can be used to observe micoorganisms like bacteria, fungi, protozoa etc. It can be used in their detailed study, for example studying their structures.

Sunday, October 16, 2022

Poster Making and Slogan Writing Competition

Dear Students,
SAGH is glad to announce Poster making and slogan writing competition on the occasion of swastha bharat abhiyan.
As you are aware about harmful effects of intoxicant material, highlighting the health and other risks associated with tobacco use.

On this occasion of great significance, we are glad to announce this competition to explore the creative instinct of students from class 8th  9th and 10th students,and encourage them to portray their ideas on “health and other risks associated with tobacco use”.

The creative participation is open for students of classes as per following three categories;(Only SAGH, Chembur)
1. 8th
2. 9th
3. 10th

Creative entries must be written in English,Marathi or Hindi only.

• Start Date: 16th October,2022
• Last Date: 19th October, 2022


• A3 or A4 sheet may be used for Poster.
• Write-up text (slogan) of the Poster should be submitted in readable font of English/Hindi/Marathi and it should be written on the poster itself.
• It should be ensured that the uploaded poster should be clearly visible.

Click the link below to upload poster:


Thank you

Image credit:Internet 

Friday, September 16, 2022

Chemical Change and Chemical Bond

Question 1:

Complete the statement by filling the gaps using appropriate term from the terms given in the bracket.
(slow,  coloured,  arrow,  fast,  smell,  milky,  physical,  product,  chemical,  reactant,  covalent,  equality sign)

a. An................... is drawn in between the reactants and products while writing the equation for a chemical reation.

b. Rusting of iron is a............. chemical change.

c. The spoiling of food is a chemical change which is recognized from the generation of certain................ due to it.

d. A colourless solution of calcium hydroxide in a test tube turns..............on blowing in it through a  blow tube for some time.

e. The white particles of baking soda disappear when put in lemon juice. This means that it is a.....................change.

f. Oxygen is a....................... in respiration.

g. Sodium chloride  is....................compound while hydrogen chlorid is........................ compound.

h. Electron.............................. is complete in each hydrogen in a hydrogen molecule.

i. Chlorine (Cl2) molecule is formed by..................... of electrons between two chlorine atoms.


a. An arrow is drawn in between the reactants and products while writing the equation for a chemical reation.

b. Rusting of iron is a slow chemical change.

c. The spoiling of food is a chemical change which is recognized from the generation of certain  smell due to it.

d. A colourless solution of calcium hydroxide in a test tube turns  milky on blowing in it through a  blow tube for some time.

e. The white particles of baking soda disappear when put in lemon juice. This means that it is a chemical change.

f. Oxygen is a reactant  in respiration.

g. Sodium chloride  is ionic compound while hydrogen chloride is covalent compound.

h. Electron  duplet is complete in each hydrogen in a hydrogen molecule.

i. Chlorine (Cl2) molecule is formed by sharing of electrons between two chlorine atoms.

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Question 2:

Explain by writing a word equation.

a. Respiration is a chemical change.

b. Hard water gets softened on mixing with a solutions of washing soda.

c. Lime stone powder disappears on adding to dilute hydrochloric acids.

d. Bubbles are seen on adding lemon juice to baking soda.


a.Chemical change is a process in which a new substance is formed.

  • Respiration is irreversible process
  • During respiration, oxygen is convert into carbon-dioxide( a new substance is formed).
  • During respiration, there is change in their chemical composition.
  • During respiration, absorption and evolution of energy takes place.
These are characteristics of chemical reaction. Hence, respiration is a chemical reaction.

b.Sodium carbonate, Na2CO3, is also known as washing soda. It can remove temporary and permanent hardness from water. Sodium carbonate is soluble but calcium carbonate and magnesium carbonate are insoluble.
The carbonate ions from sodium carbonate reacts with calcium and magnesium ions in the water to produce insoluble precipitate.
For example:
Ca2+(aq) + Na2CO3 CaCO3(s) +2Na+(aq)
The water is softened because it no longer contains dissolved calcium ions and magnesium ions.

c.Limestone is predominantly Calcium carbonate(CaCo3). When calcium carbonate reacts with 10% solution of HCl. Then Calcium chloride is formed as a salt along with water and carbon dioxide gas (brisk effervescence).
2HCl + CaCO3  CaCl2 + CO2 +H20
In this reaction, we add hydrogen ions (H+), which will react with the carbonate ion to form hydrogen carbonate HCO3- ions, which are soluble in water and the limestone will dissolve.

d.Bubbles are seen on adding lemon juice to baking soda because lemon juice is citric acid and baking soda is sodium bicarbonate. On adding lemon juice in baking soda, we add acid in base then neutralization reaction is taking place resulting in the formation of salt ,water and brisk effervesence of carbon-dioxide.This CO2 is released in the form of bubbles.
H3C6H5O7(aq) + 3 NaHCO3(aq)  Na3C6H5O7(aq) + 3 H2O(l) + 3 CO2(g)citric acid + baking sodasalt + water+carbon dioxide 

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Question 3:

Match the pairs.

a. Photosynthesis i. Tendency to lose electrons 
b. Water ii. Reactant in combustion process
c. Sodium chloride iii. Chemical change
d. Dissolution of salt in water  iv. Covalent bond
e. Carbon v. Ionic bond
f. Fluorine vi. physical change 
g. Magnesium vii. Tendency to form anion



a. Photosynthesis i.    Chemical change
b. Water ii.   Covalent bond
c. Sodium chloride iii.  Ionic bond
d. Dissolution of salt in water  iv.   Physical change 
e. Carbon v.    Reactant in combustion process
f.  Fluorine vi.  Tendency to form anion
g. Magnesium vii. Tendency to lose electrons 

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Question 4:

Show with the heip of diagram of electronic configuration how the following compound are formed from the constituent atoms.
a. Sodium chloride  
b. Potassium fluoride
d. Hydrogen chloride


a. Sodium chloride :

Step 1 : Write the symbols of the radicals.
                           Na                         Cl
Step 2 : Write the valency below the respective radical.
                           Na                         Cl
                            1                           1

Step 3 : Cross-multiply symbols of radicals with their respective valency.

Step 4 : Write down the chemical formula of the compound.

b. Potassium fluoride :

Step 1 : Write the symbols of the radicals.
                           K                            F
Step 2 : Write the valency below the respective radical.
                           K                            F
                            1                           1
Step 3 : Cross-multiply symbols of radicals with their respective valency.

Step 4 : Write down the chemical formula of the compound.

c.Water :

Step 1 : Write the symbols of the radicals.
                           H                      O
Step 2 : Write the valency below the respective radical.
                           H                      O
                            1                      2
Step 3 : Cross-multiply symbols of radicals with their respective valency.

Step 4 : Write down the chemical formula of the compound.

d. Hydrogen chloride :

Step 1 : Write the symbols of the radicals.
                           H                      Cl
Step 2 : Write the valency below the respective radical.
                           H                       Cl
                            1                       1
Step 3 : Cross-multiply symbols of radicals with their respective valency.

Step 4 : Write down the chemical formula of the compound.

Std.8 Cell and Cell Organelles

Who am I ?
A. I am ATP producing factory ?
B. I am single layered. but maintain cellular osmotic pressure.
C. I support the cell, but I am not cell wall. I have a body resembling net.
D. I am chemical factory of the cell.
E. Leaves are green because of me.


Ans 1 a. Mitochondria
b. Cell wall
c. Cell membrane
d. Mitochondria
e. Chloropyhll

Page No 74:

Question 2:

What would have happend ? If.........
A. RBCs had mitochondria.
B. There had been no differences between mitochondria and plastids.
C. Genes had been absent on the chromosomes.
D. Plasma membrane had not been selectively permeable.
E. Plants lacked anthocyanin.


a. RBC's are a type of cells which are found in blood. Their function is to carry oxygen to different cells and tissues of the body. They do not contain mitochondria for two purposes:
firstly, it saves the space in the red blood cells and so more of oxygen can bind to it
secondly, it prevents the use of oxygen which is bounded to RBC's.

If mitochondria would have been present in RBC's, the oxygen which is carried by them will be used up by the RBC's. Thus, there will be less or no oxygen left which can be transported to the cells and tissues.

b. Mitochondria and plastids are two different structures and they have specific functions. Mitochondria are found in both plants and animals whereas plastids are found only in plants. The main role of mitochnodria is to provide energy to the cells for carrying out their various functions. If, there would have been no difference between mitochondria and plastids, there would have been no structure which would provide energy and thus all the processes which take place in the cell would cease.

c. Genes are hereditary structures which contain the information which is passed on from one generation to another. They are required for the transmission of information from one generation to another. They are responsible for the characteristics of all the living organisms. They store the information for the various processes which occur in all the living organisms.

d. Plasma membrane is selectively permeable which means it allows the entry or exit of selective materials inside and outside the cell. In its absence, the regulated movement of substances in  and out of the cell will be affected.

e. Anthocyanin is a pigment which is present in plants and imparts them purplish colour. In the absence of this pigment, the structures which usually have purple colour due to its presence would appear colourless.

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Question 3:

Who is odd man among us ? Give reason.
a. Nucleolus, mitochondria, plastids, endoplasmic reticulum
b. DNA. Ribosomes, Chlorophyll


a. Plastids are the odd one out because they are organelles which are found only in plant cells. Rest all the organelles are found in both plants and animals.
b. Chlorophyll is the odd one out beacuse it is a type of pigment which is found in plants only. DNA and ribosomes are found in both plants and animals.

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Question 4:

Give functions.
A. Plasma membrane
B. Cytoplasm
C. Lysosome
D. Vacuole
E. Nucleus


a. Functions of the plasma membrane:

  • It gives shape and support to the cell.
  • It acts as a mechanical barrier to protect the internal contents of the cell.
  • It separates the contents of the cell from its surrounding medium. 
  • It performs physical activities such as diffusion and osmosis. 

b. Functions of cytoplasm:

  • It is the medium for all cellular chemical reactions.
  • It is a medium in which the organelles remain suspended.
  • It helps in the movement of the different cellular elements. 

c. Functions of lysosomes:

  • Lysosomes destroy foreign materials that enter the cell.
  • Dead and worn-out organelles are removed by lysosomes.
  • Cells are autolysed by lysosomes, and their contents are released within the cell.

d. Functions of vacuoles:

  • The main function of vacuoles is to store food in a cell.
  • They also help in storing and expelling wastes and toxic by products of metabolic reactions.
  • They help in maintaining the turgidity and rigidity of a cell.

e. Functions of nucleus:
  • It is the control centre of a cell as it controls all the activities of the cell.
  • It also contains gene-containing chromosomes which are the units of inheritance in an organism.

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Question 5:

Who gives me the colour? (Select the correct option)

 a. Red tomato 1.Chlorophyll
 b. Green leaf 2. Carotene
 c. Carrot 3. Anthocyanin
 d. Violet 4. Lycopene


 a. Red tomato 4. Lycopene
 b. Green leaf 1.Chlorophyll
 c. Carrot 2. Carotene
 d. Violet 3. Anthocyanin

Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Composition of matter

Question 1:

Choose the appropriate option and rewrite the following statements.
A. The intermolecular force is _______ in the paricles of solid.
i. Minimum    ii. Moderate    iii.maximum    iv.indefinite.

B. Solids retain their voume even when external pressure is applied. This property is called__________
i. plasticity    ii. Incompressibility    iii. fluidity    iv. elasticity

C. Matter is classified into the types mixture, compound and element by applying the criterion______________
i. states of matter    ii Phases of matters    iii chemical compositions of matter    iv all of these

D. Matter that contain two or more constituent substances is called__________
i. mixture    ii. compound    iii. element    iv. metalloid

E. Milk is an example of type of matter called __________
i. solution    ii. homogeneous mixture    iii heterogeneous mixture    iv. suspension

F. Water, mercury and bromine are similar o each other, because three are
i. liquids    ii. compounds     iii. nonmetals    iv. elements.

G. valency of carbon is 4 and that of oxygen is 2. From this, we understand that there are _______ chemical bond/bonds between the carbon atom and one oxygen atom in the compound-carbon dioxide.
i. 1    ii. 2    iii. 3     iv. 4 


A. The intermolecular force is  maximum in the paricles of solid.
i. Minimum    ii. Moderate    iii.maximum    iv.indefinite.

B. Solids retain their voume even when external pressure is applied. This property is called incompressibility.
i. plasticity    ii. Incompressibility    iii. fluidity    iv. elasticity

C. Matter is classified into the types mixture, compound and element by applying the criterion states of matter.
i. states of matter    ii Phases of matters    iii chemical compositions of matter    iv all of these

D. Matter that contain two or more constituent substances is called compound.
i. mixture    ii. compound    iii. element    iv. metalloid

E. Milk is an example of type of matter called homogeneous mixture.
i. solution    ii. homogeneous mixture    iii heterogeneous mixture    iv. suspension

F. Water, mercury and bromine are similar to each other, because three are liquids.
i. liquids    ii. compounds     iii. nonmetals    iv. elements.

G. valency of carbon is 4 and that of oxygen is 2. From this, we understand that there are chemical bond/bonds between the carbon atom and one oxygen atom in the compound carbon dioxide.
i. 1    ii. 2    iii. 3     iv. 4 

Page No 47:

Question 2:

Identify the odd term out and explain
A. Gold, silver, copper, brass
B.Hydrogen, hydrogen peroxide, carbon dioxide, water vapour.
C.Milk, lemon juice, carbon, steel.
D.water, mercury, bromine, petrol.
E.sugar, slat, baking soda, blue vitrol.
F.Hydrogen, sodium, potassium, carbon.


a.Brass is odd one out because it is an alloy and gold, silver, copper are element.
b.Hydrogen is odd one out because it is an element and others are compound.
c.Carbon is odd one out because it is an element and others are mixture of various elements.
d.Water is odd one out because it is universal solvent and rest are not universal solvent.
e.Baking soda is odd one out because it is a mixture of various elements and others are compound.
f.Carbon is odd one out because it has 4 valence electrons and others have 1 valence electron.

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Question 3:

Answer the following questions.
A.Plants synthesize glucose in sunlight with the help of chlorophyll from carbon dioxide and water and give away oxygen. identify the four compounds in this process and name their types.

B. In one sample of brass, the following ingredients were found : copper (70%) and zinc (30%).  Identify the solvent, solute and solution from these.

C. Sea water tastes salty due to the dissolved salt. the salinity (the proportion of salts in water) of some water bodies Lonar lake - 7.9 %, Pacific Ocean 3.5%, Mediterranean sea- 3.8%, Dead sea- 33.7%. Explain two characteristics of mixture from the above information.


a.Photosynthesis is a chemical process through which plants, some bacteria and algae, produce glucose and oxygen from carbon dioxide and water, using only light as a source of energy, which is absorbed by chlorophyll.
6CO2 + 6H2O  C6H12O6 + 6O2
Four substances in this process are as follows:
1.Carbon dioxide = organic compound
2.Water = organic compound
3.Glucose = organic compound
4.Chlorophyll = organo-metallic compound or complex compound

b.Brass is an alloy made primarily of copper, usually with zinc.Brass as a solid solution consisting of zinc and other metals as solute dissolved in copper taken as solvent. So that, the brass meets all the criteria of a solution.

c.Characteristics of mixtures from above information are:
1.Constituent substances of a mixture are two or more elements or compounds.
2.The proportion of constituent substances in a mixture can be variable.
3.The properties of constituent substances are retained in the mixture.

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Question 4:

Give two examples each
A. Liquid element
B. Gaseous element
C. Solid element
D.Homogeneous mixture
F.Organic compound
G.Complex compound
H.Inorganic compound
J.Element with valency 1
K.Element with valency 2


a.Liquid element = mercury, bromine
b.Gaseous element = oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen
c.Solid element = sodium, carbon, aluminium
d.Homogeneous mixture = sugar in water, corn oil, blood plasma
e.Colloid = mayonnaise, milk, butter, gelatin, jelly, muddy water
f.Organic compound = proteins, glucose, urea, carbohydrates
g.Complex compound = chlorophyll, hemoglobin, cyanocobalamine
h.Inorganic compound = limestone, rust, common salt
i.Metalloid = silicon, germanium
j.Element with valency 1 = sodium, potassium, chlorine
k.Element with valency 2 = magnesium, calcium

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Question 5:

Write the names and symbols of the constituent eleements and identify their valencies from the molecular formulae given below.
KCl,   HBr,   MgBr2,   K2O,  NaH,   CaCl2,  CCl4,  HI,   H2S, Na2S,   FeS,   BaCl2


CompoundsName of compoundsSymbol of constituent elementsValency of constituent elements
KClPotassium chlorideK, ClK = 1, Cl = 1
HBrHydrogen bromideK, BrK = 1, Br = 1
MgBr2Magnesium bromideMg, BrMg = 2, Br = 1
K2OPotassium oxideK, OK = 1, O = 2
NaHSodium hydrideNa, HNa = 1, H = 1
CaCl2Calcium chlorideCa, ClCa = 2, Cl = 1
CCl4Carbon tetrachlorideC, ClC = 4, Cl = 1
HIHydrogen iodideH, IH = 1, I = 1
H2SHydrogen sulphideH, SH = 1, S = 2
Na2SSodium sulphideNaSNa = 1S = 2
FeSIron (II) SulfideFe, SF = 2, S = 2
BaCl2Barium chlorideBa, ClB = 2, Cl = 1

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Question 6:

Chemical composition of some matter is given in the following table. Identify the main type of matter from their.

  Name of matter                                            Chemical composition Main type of matter 
Sea water  H2O + NaCl + MgCl2 
Distilled water  H2O 
 Hydrogen gas filled  in a ballonH2 
The gas in LPG cylinder C4H10 + C3H8 
Baking soda  NaHCO3 
Pure gold    Au 
The gas in oxygen cylinder   O2 
Bronze  Cu + Sn 
Diamond  C 
Heated white powder of blue vitroi  CuSO4 
Lime stone  CaCO3 
Dilute hydrochloric acid HCL+ H2O 



Name of matter                                       
 Chemical composition Main type of matter 
Sea water  H2O + NaCl + MgCl2mixture
Distilled water  H2Ocompound
 Hydrogen gas filled  in a ballon  H2element(molecule)
The gas in LPG cylinder  C4H10 + C3H8mixture
Baking soda  NaHCO3mixture
Pure gold    Auelement
The gas in oxygen cylinder    C4H10 + C3H8element(molecule)
Bronze  Cu + Snmixture
Diamond  Celement(allotrope)
Heated white powder of blue vitroi  CuSO4compound
Lime stone  CaCO3compound
Dilute hydrochloric acid  HCL+ H2Ocompound

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Question 7:

Write scientific reason.
A. Hydrogen is combustible, oxygen helps combustion, but water helps to extinguish fire.
B. Constituent substances of a colloid cannot be separated by ordinary filtration.
C. Lemon sherbat has sweet, sour and salty taste and it can be poured in a glass.
D. A solid matter has the properties of definite shape and volume.


a.Water is made up of two elements, that's hydrogen and oxygen. Hydrogen is flammable, but oxygen is not. Flammability is the ability of a combustible material with an adequate supply of oxygen (or another oxidiser) to sustain enough heat energy to keep a fire going after it has been ignited. Though water is made up of two atoms of hydrogen and one atom of oxygen by forming an ionic compound, it does not possess the characteristics of them because a compound does not have the properties of its constituent elements. Therefore, water has its own properties, which helps to extinguish fire.

Constituent substances of a colloid cannot be separated by ordinary filtration because the size of the particles in a colloids(or colloidal solution) is bigger than those in a true solution but smaller than those in suspension.It is in between 1nm to 100nm in diameter. The size of ordinary filter paper is more than 100nm due to which colloidal particles are passed through the pores of a filter paper. Due to which, we prefer to use ultrafilter paper so that, filteration of colloidal particles take place easily.

Lemon sherbat has sweet, sour and salty taste and it can be poured in a glass because sour taste indicates presence of an acid and if acid is poured in a vessel made up of metal, then acid reacts with metal and makes it poisonous in nature.So we prefer to take vessel made up of glass material.

d.A solid matter has the properties of definite shape and volume because of the following reasons:
1)Intermolecular force of attraction between the particles of matter is very strong.
2)Internuclear space between the particles of matter is negligible.
3)Particles of matter are very close to each other that they only vibrate at their fixed position.

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Question 8:

Deduce the molecular formulae of the compound obtained from the following pairs of elements by the cross multiplication method.
A. C (Valency 4) & Cl (Valency 1)
B. N (Valency 3) & H (Valency 1)
C. C (Valency 4) & O (Valency 2)
D. Ca (Valency 2) & O  (Valency 2)


a. C (Valency 4) & Cl (Valency 1) :
Step 1 : Write the symbols of the radicals.
                           C                       Cl
Step 2 : Write the valency below the respective radical.
                           C                        Cl
                            4                        1
Step 3 : Cross-multiply symbols of radicals with their respective valency.
Step 4 : Write down the chemical formula of the compound.

b. N (Valency 3) & H (Valency 1)
Step 1 : Write the symbols of the radicals.
                           N                      H
Step 2 : Write the valency below the respective radical.
                           N                      H
                            3                      1
Step 3 : Cross-multiply symbols of radicals with their respective valency.
Step 4 : Write down the chemical formula of the compound.

C. C (Valency 4) & O (Valency 2)
Step 1 : Write the symbols of the radicals.
                           C                       O
Step 2 : Write the valency below the respective radical.
                           C                        O
                            4                        2
Step 3 : Cross-multiply symbols of radicals with their respective valency.
Step 4 : Write down the chemical formula of the compound.

D. Ca (Valency 2) & O  (Valency 2)
Step 1 : Write the symbols of the radicals.
                           Ca                     O
Step 2 : Write the valency below the respective radical.
                           Ca                       O
                            2                        2
Step 3 : Cross-multiply symbols of radicals with their respective valency.
Step 4 : Write down the chemical formula of the compound.

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