Thursday, September 17, 2020

Problem Set No.13 Mixed examples- addition & subtraction (Std.V)

Q.1.The Forest Department planted 23,078 trees of khair,   19,476 of behada besides trees of several other kinds.
If the department planted 50,000 trees altogether, How many trees were neither of khair nor of behada?



No.of khair trees    :      2 3 0 7 8
No.of behada trees :      1 9 4 7 6

No.of khair & behada trees together

            2 3 0 7 8
       +   1 9 4 7 6    
            4 2 5 5 4

No.of khair & behada trees together = 42554

Forest Department planted 50,000 trees altogether out of which 23,078 trees are of khair and 19476 trees are of behada.

To find number of trees other than khair and behada.

Total No.of trees      :        5 0 0 0 0
No.Khair & behada   :        4 2 5 5 4
trees together 

                        5 0 0 0 0
                     -  4 2 5 5 4
                           7 4 4 6

Therefore,The number of trees other than khair and behada are 7446.

Let us verify our answer,
Total number plants 50000
No.of Khair plants     :     2 3 0 7 8
No.of Behada plants :     1 9 4 7 6
No.of other plants     :        7 4 4 6
Overall Total               :     5 0 0 0 0

1 comment:

  1. Sir you had not posted the 4 one we have to do that from our own


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1/3/2024 जूनी पेन्शन बाबत जूनी पेन्शन योजना लागू होण्यासाठी महाराष्ट्र राज्य शिक्षक परिषदेनै..2010 पासून 38आंदोलनै केली... नागपूर चा12 डिसें...